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Wrapping up the Treasure Bag week

Writer's picture: Gina MoodyGina Moody

Yes, it‘s been a long week! But so much fun too. I had a couple helpers, my friend Amanda, her daughter and my friend Whitney. We put together 400 bags and the made labels and posted them. Many hauls to the post office did not make my little friends at the post office happy to see me. I use a tiny local post office, two girls work the counter. They are usually so sweet and happy when I come in…not so much toward the end of this week. I don’t blame them! Ha! I will bring them cookies Monday. Cookies make everyone happy.🤪 But, it’s pretty well under control now, your packages should be arriving in the next few days, if they haven’t already. There are still about 50 bags in stock, if you want one or another one. I will be making tutorials this coming week. I just wanted to share a few pictures of our little Treasure Bag adventure week. Thought you might like to see the shenanigans!

Amanda being goofy, we were lost done bagging items…she was a little slaphappy🤪

Amanda and her daughter Haley

This is not even a quarter of the package, we filled up the entire sectional and two chairs. Posted them and then did it again! Now that’s a lot of beadies!

Anywhooo, just wanted to share. Love you all! Thank you for making this all possible!

My sincere gratitude to you all!




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Bless your sweet heart Gina. I will be praying for you and your Mother plus the entire family. I can say that I do know what you are going through. I was in the same spot in 2013 with my father. He first had colon cancer then chemo. Then had a brain tumor but by then it was 2015 and the doctors said since he was of 86 years and the tumor was so large that it was best to just let him go to hospice care. He died the Saturday before Easter that year. So it was a long 2 years and very difficult. My heart goes out to you.


Jackie Welsh
Jackie Welsh
Mar 14, 2022

I never get to the treasure box in time so I guess I will get a stash bag I’m sure with your exquisite taste they are just as awesome! Jackie


Jackie Welsh
Jackie Welsh
Mar 14, 2022

Gina I live In Pa Hanover I would love to help you with your packing or helping in general if you need it I am at your service, my email is


Jackie Welsh
Jackie Welsh
Mar 14, 2022

When is your treasure box for March coming out? Or is it in April?


Unknown member
Feb 12, 2022

Gina, as usually this is an awesome bag. As soon as I look everything over, I get excited about your next bag. You are so talented and have a great eye for color.

A big fan always!

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